Ja, det går att köra asp på en "dominoserver" ... fast, egentligen är det IISen som kommer att köras. Här kommer lite text direkt från Domino support. Tänk på att alla andra webbtjänster som domino kör måste ändras från port 80 till någon annan port ... annars "krockar det".Sv: Domino + ASP
I dominoservern kan du ställa in om den inbyggda HTTP servern ska användas, för HTTP-requests, eller IISen .... om dominoservern går på en windows server.
Detta borde din dominoadministratör kunna.
Ska snacka med vår admin och höra "hur man gör".
/PatrikBSv: Domino + ASP
You need to set up the Domino ISAPI extension, this will handle a URL request that specifies a file with an .NSF file extension. You use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to set up the ISAPI extension.
1. Start the MMC, and open the MMC console file for the Web site.
2. Right-click the IIS Web site, and select Properties.
3. Select the Home Directory tab, and click Configuration.
4. Click Add.
5. In the Executable field, enter the full path name of the ISAPI extension file. The file is located in the Domino directory and is named NIISEXTN.DLL for the Intel platform or AIISEXTN.DLL for the Alpha platform. For example, if you installed Domino in the default directories of an Intel machine, the full path name is c:\lotus\domino\niisextn.dll.
6. In the Extension field, enter
7. In the Methods Exclusions field, enter these HTTP methods, which Domino for IIS does not support:
8. Select Script Engine, and deselect Check that the File Exists.
9. Click OK.
Domino for IIS uses the IIS extension filter to enable the Domino /?OpenServer command.
1. Start the MMC, and open the MMC console file for the Web site.
2. Right-click the IIS Web site, and select Properties.
3. Select the ISAPI Filters tab, and click Add.
4. In the Filter Name field, enter any text you want to describe the IIS filter -- for example, Domino.
5. In the Executable field, enter the full path name of the filter file. The file is located in the Domino directory and is named NIISFILT.DLL for the Intel platform or AIISFILT.DLL for the Alpha platform. For example, if you installed Domino in the default directories of an Intel machine, the full path name is c:\lotus\domino\niisfilt.dll.
6. Click OK.
To specify the Domino icons and Java applet directories
1. Start the MMC, and open the MMC console file for the Web site.
2. Right-click the IIS Web site, and select New - Virtual Directory.
3. In the Virtual Directory Alias field, enter icons and click Next.
4. Enter the full path to the Domino icons directory -- for example, if you installed Domino using the default directories, enter c:\lotus\domino\data\domino\icons. Click Next.
5. Click Finish. You do not need to change the default permission settings.
6. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 and enter domjava as the alias name and specify the full path to the applet directory. By default, the applet directory is c:\lotus\domino\data\domino\java.
lite att göra ;o)
/PatrikBSv: Domino + ASP