Hejsan jag undra hur det är med licensrättigheterna till MSDE 'lite version av SQL server 7’ Jepp! Vad jag har förstått så får man det. Jag har sett flera företagsdemonstrationer som installerar MSDE när de visar sina system och det är "stora" företag... Nu kommer detta iofs från licenstexten för SQL Server 2000 versionen av MSDE (SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition), eller rättare sagt licenstexten för SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition där licensrättigheterna för MSDE ingår: Tack för upplysningen! licensrättigheter ??
Får man skick med databasen med sina program ?
MVH PETERSv: licensrättigheter ??
Dock hörde jag något annat här i forumet tidigare, men det verkar i alla fall inte vara bekräftat vad som gäller.
Någon kanske kan dra ett mail till MS och fråga?Sv: licensrättigheter ??
d. Use of Redistributable Code. In addition to the rights granted above, Microsoft grants you the nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use, reproduce and distribute the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine ("MSDE") and the files listed in the REDIST.TXT contained in the Product (collectively, the "Redistributable Code"), provided that you also comply with the following:
i. General Requirements. If you choose to redistribute any portion of the Redistributable Code, you agree:
A. to distribute the Redistributable Code in object code form and only in conjunction with and as a part of a software application product developed by you that adds significant and primary functionality to the Product ("Application");
B. not to use Microsoft's name, logo, or trademarks to market the Application;
C. to include a valid copyright notice in your name on the Application;
D. to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Microsoft from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the Application; and
E. to otherwise comply with the terms of this EULA.
You also agree not to permit further distribution of the Redistributable Code by your end users except you may permit further redistribution of the Redistributable Code by your distributors if they only distribute the Redistributable Code in conjunction with, and as part of, the Application and you and your distributors comply with all other terms of this EULA.
ii. Additional Requirements for MSDE. If you choose to redistribute MSDE, you also agree:
A. that your Application shall not substantially duplicate the capabilities of Microsoft Access or, in the reasonable opinion of Microsoft, compete with same; and
B. that unless your Application requires your customers to license Microsoft Access in order to operate, you shall not reproduce or use MSDE for commercial distribution in conjunction with a general purpose word processing, spreadsheet or database management software product, or an integrated work or product suite whose components include a general purpose word processing, spreadsheet, or database management software product except for the exclusive use of importing data to the various formats supported by Microsoft Access. Note: A product that includes limited word processing, spreadsheet or database components along with other components which provide significant and primary value, such as an accounting product with limited spreadsheet capability, is not considered to be a "general purpose" product.
Hela texten finns på http://www.microsoft.com/sql/howtobuy/pricing/serverproc.aspSv: licensrättigheter ??
(Tydligen får man skicka med databasen under vissa förutsättningar)