Turbopower har beslutat att släppa sina programbibliotek som Open Source. Ni hittar dessa hos sourceforge sök på Turbopower. Mycket bra komponenter med dokumentation och hjälpfiler.Tips: TurboPower Open Source
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Följande komponenter finns hos sourceforge nu, mer kommer de närmaste veckorna.
TurboPower Internet Professional
Internet Professional is a set of VCL components providing Internet connectivity for Borland Delphi & C++Builder. iPRO includes POP3, SMTP, NNTP, FTP, HTTP, Instant Messaging, & HTML viewer components, as well as components for low-level socket access.
TurboPower Orpheus
Orpheus is an award-winning UI toolkit for Borland Delphi & C++Builder. It contains over 120 components covering everything from data entry to calendars and clocks. Other noteworthy components include an Object Inspector, LookOut bar, & report views.
TurboPower B-Tree Filer
B-Tree Filer is a fast library of file-based database routines for Borland Turbo Pascal & Delphi. B-Tree Filer supports stand-alone programs or those running on Microsoft-compatible networks including Novell Netware.
TurboPower Essentials
Essentials contains 13 native VCL controls for Borland Delphi & C++Builder. The controls include drop-down calendars & calculators, roll-up dialogs, 3-D labels, tiled backgrounds, scrolling messages, menu buttons, and more.
TurboPower OnGuard
OnGuard is a library to create demo versions of your Borland Delphi & C++Builder applications. Create demo versions that are time-limited, feature-limited, limited to a certain number of uses, or limited to a certain # of concurrent network users.
TurboPower String Resource Manager
String Resource Manger is a tool for building string resource libraries in Borland Delphi. It prevents string resource clashes and simplifies the translation of the string resources.
TurboPower LockBox
LockBox is a cross-platform toolkit for data encryption. It contains routines & components for use with Borland Delphi, C++Builder, & Kylix. It provides support for Blowfish, RSA, MD5, SHA-1, DES, triple- DES, Rijndael, & digital signing of messages.