Hello all! Iäm amazed that you found your way here and managed to find the right category and all that. You probably already been there but here's a site where you might help you find what you are looking for: http://www.stepstone.com/candidates/ Hi Robert, Maybe you've also been at this site: http://www.4icj.com/se/?gclid=CILtpqGctYUCFQN0QgodYl4kvg I've been to manpower site, but the first one looks really great - this is something for me! Thank you very much!Job in Stockholm - possibilities?
I am a software developer from Gdansk, Poland. Recently my girlfriend was accepted to postgraduate studies at KTH in Stockholm, and wants to go there at the end of August. We don't want to separate ourselves for almost 1.5 year, so I decided to try to find a job in Stockholm.
Question for you: how do you think my chances are? I am a quite experienced developer for a Windows platform - for the last 5 years I've been working on various projects. I know Windows programming quite well, including old-fashioned MFC, COM/DCOM, and now .NET platform (ASP.NET, WebServices, WinForms). I’ve been also working extensively with MS SQL Server for last 2 years. Here, in Poland, I have quite a good job and would never think about moving, but you know... :) I think my only problem is that I don't know Swedish :( I know I will learn it within a few months, but for now...
So, finishing: maybe you have some tips for me? Maybe you know companies that have English as they working language, or maybe job portals with job ads written in English? Any help will be very appreciated!
MichalSv: Job in Stockholm - possibilities?
Sv:Job in Stockholm - possibilities?
Thanks for the tip - but indeed, I've already been there :)
It's not too dificult to find services like this one when you google deep enough :) Sometimes I even think I can understand Swedish after reading *.se pages for few hours... ;)
Thanks again!Sv: Job in Stockholm - possibilities?
Or maybe this could be of interest: http://www.manpower.se/MPNet3/Content.asp?Ref=SWEDEN_NORDIC&NodeID=13873 where you search for jobs, put in stockholm by län and kommun then "IT,data" by yrkesområde
And to get up to date with what's happening in sweden: http://www.thelocal.se/Sv:Job in Stockholm - possibilities?
And thanks for the news site and for search tips :)