Dim i As Integer
Dim TextLines As Long
Dim TextBuff As String
Dim CharRet As Long
Printer.CurrentY = 2000
' Get number of lines in text box
TextLines = SendMessage(txtList.hwnd, &HBA, 0, 0)
' Extract & print each line in TextBox
For i = 0 To TextLines - 1
TextBuff = Space(1000)
Printer.CurrentX =3000
' Setup buffer for the line!
Mid(TextBuff, 1, 1) = Chr(79 And &HFF)
Mid(TextBuff, 2, 1) = Chr(79 And &H100)
CharRet = SendMessage(txtList.hwnd, &HC4, i, ByVal TextBuff)
Printer.Print Left(TextBuff, CharRet)
Next i