Sub SaveStructure()
Dim Answer As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim iTmp As Integer
Dim iIndex As Integer
Dim RecData As String
' The only way to get the canceltrap for the commondialogbox.
' Remember to also set cancelerror to true.
On Error GoTo CancelError
CommonDialog1.Filter = "TreeView Database(*.mst) |*.mst"
If Len(CommonDialog1.FileName) < 1 Then
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
End If
If Len(CommonDialog1.FileName) < 1 Then
MsgBox "Du måste ange ett filnamn att spara arbetsboken med!", 64
Exit Sub
End If
'// Öppnar databasen
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Output As #1
'Writes the Node information from the TreeView into a table
'??. Find a root node in the treeview
' GetFirstParent
'get the index of the root node that is at the top of the treeview
iIndex = TreeView1.Nodes(mnIndex).FirstSibling.index
iTmp = iIndex
'// Adderar huvudboken:
RecData = "0_" & ";" & TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).key & ";" & _
TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Text & ";" & TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).image & _
";" & TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).selectedimage & "; "
Print #1, RecData
While iIndex <> TreeView1.Nodes(iTmp).LastSibling.index
'loop through all the root nodes
RecData = "0_" & ";" & TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).key & ";" & _
TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Text & ";" & TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).image & _
";" & TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).selectedimage & ";" & _
Print #1, RecData
iIndex = TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Next.index
For i = 1 To TreeView1.Nodes.Count
If TreeView1.Nodes(i).Children > 0 Then
'save all the child nodes
iIndex = TreeView1.Nodes(i).Child.FirstSibling.index
iTmp = iIndex
RecData = TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Parent.key & ";" & _
TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).key & ";" & TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Text & _
";" & TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).image & ";" & _
TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).selectedimage & ";" & _
Print #1, RecData
While iIndex <> TreeView1.Nodes(iTmp).LastSibling.index
'loop through all the child nodes
RecData = TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Parent.key & ";" & _
TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Next.key & ";" & T_
TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Next.Text & ";" & _
TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Next.image & ";" & _
TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Next.selectedimage & ";" & _
Print #1, RecData
iIndex = TreeView1.Nodes(iIndex).Next.index
End If
Close #1
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub LoadStructure()
'asks the user to find the database and then restores the Nodes
'in the treeview control from the table
Dim oNodex As Node
Dim nImage As Integer
Dim nSelectedImage As Integer
Dim sTableNames As String
Dim sNodeTable As String
Dim RecordData As String
Dim Parent As String
Dim key As String
Dim Text As String
Dim image As String
Dim selectedimage As String
Dim RecordInfo(6) As String
Dim a, b, i, infokey As Integer
Dim iIndex As Integer
' *** Det verkar som om fönstret placeras utifrån vad som är
' övre vänstra hörnet på aktivt fönster, hur styr man detta?
' Activate the open commandbox
nImage = 0: nSelectedImage = 0
CommonDialog1.Filter = "TreeView Database(*.mst) |*.mst"
CommonDialog1.InitDir = App.Path
If Len(CommonDialog1.FileName) < 1 Then
Exit Sub 'No file selected
End If
TreeView1.Nodes.Clear 'Clear the TreeView of any nodes
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As 1
'// Finns några poster i denna databas,
' om inte- så varna användaren om detta.
Do While Not EOF(1)
'Layouten är i följande form, och ; separerad.
' -- > Parent;Key;Text;Image;SelectedImage
'6.Tag (För att ange "attached message")
Line Input #1, RecordData
'Omvandlar detta till 5 parametrar
b = 1: infokey = 0
For a = 1 To Len(RecordData)
If Mid$(RecordData, a, 1) = ";" Then
infokey = infokey + 1
RecordInfo(infokey) = Mid$(RecordData, b, a - b)
a = a + 1: b = a
End If
infokey = infokey + 1
RecordInfo(infokey) = Mid$(RecordData, b, a - b)
nImage = Val(RecordInfo(4))
nSelectedImage = Val(RecordInfo(5))
If Trim(RecordInfo(1)) = "0_" Then 'All root nodes have 0_ in the parent field
Set oNodex = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(, 1, Trim(RecordInfo(2)), _
Trim(RecordInfo(3)), nImage, nSelectedImage)
Set oNodex = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(Trim(RecordInfo(1)), _
tvwChild, Trim(RecordInfo(2)), Trim(RecordInfo(3)), nImage, _
oNodex.EnsureVisible 'expend the TreeView so all nodes are visible
'Adderar Tag(Filnamn) till alla artiklar som läggs upp
oNodex.Tag = RecordInfo(6)
End If
Close #1
End Sub