Kommer inte åt någon av mina sidor via localhost. Eter jag installerade Norton Internet Security Vad ska man göra för få det att fungera? Q: I'm having trouble publishing a website. Whenever I try to publish from my local machine to my host OR from my host back to my local machine, I get the following error: Fan! Tog bort HTTP_MS_SQL_XML_CrossSiteScripting, men samma fel. ISS och Norton Internet Security 04
Sv: ISS och Norton Internet Security 04
Server Error: The folder that would hold URL 'access/databasesetup/introtodatabases/
_overlay/index.htm_nav_frontpage-navbars010_vbtn.gif' does not exist on the server
A: Believe it or not, Norton Internet Security was flagging my attempt to publish as an attack called HTTP_MS_SQL_XML_CrossSiteScripting
I turned off this signature and everything works now. I just hate having to reduce my protection level for normal use like this. Sv: ISS och Norton Internet Security 04
Kommer inte åt ISS i Administrationsverktyg heller.