Hittade denna kalender funktion på nätetKalender
men jag kan inte förstå hur man skall göra för att få datumet att skickas till en annan asp sida där jag vill sortera ut efter valt datum i från databasen.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Function to Return the number of Days in a month
function findMonth(strDate, strYear)
dim days
if strDate = 4 or strDate = 6 or strDate = 9 or strDate = 11 then
days = 30
elseif strDate = 2 AND strYear/4 = int(strYear/4) then
days = 29
elseif strDate = 2 then
days = 28
days = 31
end if
findMonth = days
end function
'Function will return the numeric value last or Next Month
function fnChangeMonth(strMonth, strDirection)
if strDirection = "previous" then
if strMonth = 1 then
tempstrMonth = 12
tempstrMonth = strMonth - 1
end if
if strMonth > 11 then
tempstrMonth = 1
tempstrMonth = strMonth + 1
end if
end if
fnChangeMonth = tempstrMonth
end function
'Function will return a date format from the qstring dd
'I use querystring called dd in this format 01012000 this just makes that
'into a date format
function formatQstring(strQstring)
ddLength = Len(strQstring)
tempYear = Right(strQstring,4)
tempDay = Right(strQstring,6)
tempDay = Left(tempday,2)
tempMonth = Left(strQstring,ddLength - 6)
strQstring = tempMonth & "/" & tempDay & "/" & tempYear
formatQstring = formatdatetime(strQstring,2)
end function
'Find the numeric value of the first day in the month (Monday = 2...)
function formatFirstDay(strFirstDay)
strFirstDay = WeekDay(Left(strFirstDay,2) & "/1/" & Right(strFirstDay,4))
formatFirstDay = strFirstDay
end function
'Make the Hyperlink for Previous or Next Month
function makeLink(strDate, strLinkType)
if strdate = "" then
strdate = Month(DisplayDate) & "01" & Year(DisplayDate)
end if
theLength = len(strdate)
theYear = Right(strdate,4)
theMonth = Left(strdate, theLength-6)
if strLinkType = "previous" then
theMonth = fnChangeMonth((Left(theMonth,2)),"previous")
if theMonth = 12 then
theYear = Right(strDate,4) - 1
theYear = Right(strDate,4)
end if
theMonth = fnChangeMonth((Left(theMonth,2)),"Next")
if theMonth = 1 then
theYear = Right(strDate,4) + 1
theYear = Right(strDate,4)
end if
end if
if len(theMonth) <> 2 then
theMonth = "0" & theMonth
end if
strdate = theMonth & "01" & theYear
makelink = strdate
end function
'Determine if there is a Calendar Request to show a month otherwise show this month
if Request("dd") = "" then
DisplayDate = Date()
ShowYear = Year(Date)
FirstDayofMonth = WeekDay(Month(Date) & "/1/" & ShowYear)
ShowYear = Right(Request("dd"),4)
DisplayDate = formatQstring(Request("dd"))
FirstDayofMonth = WeekDay(DisplayDate)
end if
previousMonth = findMonth(fnChangeMonth(Month(DisplayDate),"previous"), ShowYear) - FirstDayofMonth + 1
thisMonth = 0
nextMonth = 0
weekdaynum = 0
DisplayMonth = Month(DisplayDate)
If len(DisplayMonth) <> 2 then
DisplayMonth = "0" & DisplayMonth
end if
DisplayYear = Right((DisplayDate),4)
html = "<TR><TD colspan=""7""><center><b>" & MonthName(month(DisplayDate), 0) & " " & ShowYear & "</b></center></TD></TR>" & vbcr
html = html & "<TR><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">Su</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">Mo</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">Tu</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">We</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">Th</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">Fr</TD><TD align=""center"" class=""date"">Sa</TD></TR>"
for tablecell = 1 to 42
if weekdaynum = 7 then
weekdaynum = 0
end if
weekdaynum = weekdaynum + 1
inc = inc + 1
if inc < FirstDayofMonth then
previousMonth = previousMonth + 1
html = html & "<TD align=""center"" class=""dateother"">" & previousMonth & "</TD>" & vbcr
elseif thisMonth < findMonth(DisplayMonth, ShowYear) then
thisMonth = thisMonth + 1
html = html & "<TD align=""center"" class=""date"">" & thisMonth & "</TD>" & vbcr
nextMonth = nextMonth + 1
html = html & "<TD align=""center"" class=""dateother"">" & nextMonth & "</TD>" & vbcr
end if
if tablecell/7 = int(tablecell/7) then
html = html & "</tr><tr>" & vbcr
end if
html = html & "<TR><TD align=""center"" colspan=""7"">Bakåt Framåt</TD><TR>"
respons writh dd
Kan lite vb men inte så mycket av asp.