Timeout-problem (ser det iaf ut som)SOAP tollkit problem
Dim oXMLDom As New DOMDocument, SoapClient As MSSOAPLib30.SoapClient30
On Error GoTo SOAPError
Set SoapClient = New MSSOAPLib30.SoapClient30
SoapClient.MSSoapInit ("http://111.222.333.444:8000/test/Service.asmx?wsdl")
SoapClient.ConnectorProperty("Timeout") = 600000
Dim tid As Long
tid = timer
Debug.Print SoapClient.AccessStatus("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
tid = timer - tid
Debug.Print tid
Exit Function
tid = timer - tid
Debug.Print tid
'MsgBox SoapClient.FaultString + vbCrLf + SoapClient.Detail + vbCrLf + SoapClient.FaultCode
End Function
tid enl ovan blir alltid 21 sekunder
feltexten i SoapClient.Detail blir alltid
Connector:Connection time out. HRESULT=0x800A1527 - Client:An unanticipated error occurred during the processing of this request. HRESULT=0x800A1527 - Client:Sending the Soap message failed or no recognizable response was received HRESULT=0x800A1527 - Client:Unspecified client error. HRESULT=0x800A1527
Spelar ingen roll om jag har en timeout inställd på 1 ms eller 10 minuter.
Metoden fungerar då kunden (som äger webservicen) kör från .net
Jag vill/måste köra från soap30 (access2k).
Servicen har fem inparametrar. Om jag bara skickar in fyra parametrar, får jag felet att det är fel antal parametrar. Dvs wsdl nås.
Idéer mottages tacksamt.
/ Mikael