Kopiera in den här koden i ett html-dokumen och kör det! (det är en störig efekt som man kan ha på knappar)Kul JSkod!
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->
<!-- Original: Scriptbreaker (pieterpareit@hotmail.com ) -->
<!-- Web Site: http://www.scriptbreaker.com -->
<!-- Begin
pos = 15;
TO = null;
function shake_funct2(object,speed)
obj = eval(object)
txt = clear_space(obj.value);
if (pos == 15)
txt = txt + " ";
pos = -15;
txt = " " + txt;
pos = 15;
obj.value = txt;
obj.style.width = parseInt(obj.style.width) + pos;
obj = object
sp = speed
TO = setTimeout("shake_funct2(obj,sp)",speed);
function clear_space(text)
while (text.substring(0,1) == " ")
text = text.substring(1,text.length);
while(text.substring(text.length-1,text.length) == " ")
text = text.substring(0,text.length-1);
return text;
function end_shake_funct2(object)
obj = eval(object);
txt = clear_space(obj.value);
obj.value = txt;
if (pos == -15)
obj.style.width = parseInt(obj.style.width) +15;
pos = 15
// End -->
<form name=myform2>
<table border=0>
Test the shake button
<td align=center width=160>
<input type=button value = "shake me" style="font-size:10;width:150" onmouseover="shake_funct2(this,100)" onmouseout="end_shake_funct2(this)">
Get something harder
<td align=center width=160>
<input type=button value = "A bit faster" style="font-size:10;width:150" onmouseover="shake_funct2(this,50)" onmouseout="end_shake_funct2(this)">
<font face="arial, helvetica" size"-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br>
by The JavaScript Source</font>
<!-- Script Size: 2.25 KB -->
Kul va!